Krista YlinenKrista Ylinen is a nature photographer based in Rovaniemi, Finland. She embraces early mornings with wild animals she loves such as foxes, bears and deer. Her favourite thing is to get to know different species properly: to spent several days and weeks studying their behaviour and photographing them in different circumstances. She also finds Finnish Lapland extremely beautiful but is also willing to travel around the world to witness the versatile treasures of nature.

Krista holds a Bachelor degree in Social Services but she is now studying environmental management in Rovaniemi. Her dream is to be able to spent as much time outdoors as possible and to have more time for nature photography in the future. She writes columns and blogs for magazines, performs and through all this she wants to promote nature and environment protection and environmental awareness.

Further information can be found on website and more photos on Instagram and Facebook

2016 01 25 7D 00855Photo: Krista Ylinen